This Guest Page Features The Work of
Starline Nunley

This is the magnificent piece that Starline made when attending Dona Anderson's classes in Florida, on beading faces. She named it "Cherokee Warrior" and I think he is awesome. Oh, I just itch to take this class.

Her first attempt at beading peyote around a pen.

Starline's first beaded rosette. (Great pieces for firsts, doncha think?)

I love this piece and I named it Mardi Gras, Starline

The black earrings above and below are what I made for my son's wedding. I had a hard time deciding which I wanted to wear.

The Hummingbirds were a gift from Jackie Gelata. She is in the bead group that meets at Wright State University in Ohio. I started this group a little over a year ago. This is a Barbara Elbe design. Wish I could brick stitch.

The dog collar is for my Schnauzer, Champion Fraulein Tipov and it is a Cherokee design. My one and only loomed piece.

(Now I want to steal these.)These are tulip bags and when opened are shaped like a tulip. These were NOT kits. I made up these color schemes and bead choices myself. I had to buy whole skins from Tandy to get the color I wanted. I still have some to sell if anyone wants them already cut out. I have cut three different sizes. (Please, Starline, couldn't ya just part with the amber one???)

Starline made this in a class by Carol Wilcox Wells given in a retreat in 1998.

Oh, a UFO, Starline? (note the needle and thread) Tsk, tsk. hee hee

These were made by a Navajo lady, Mary Jane Buckshot. I just love them.

Starline made this to put her old medicine bag in. She says: The bag that was a kit from Carol Wilcox Wells is called Directions. I thought it appropriate as it holds my medicine bag that was given to me at birth by my Grandfather. I was still born and he always said that some of what is in that bag is my life force. The leather was wearing so thin so I had to do something to protect it.

Suzanne Cooper's Bearpaw pattern by Starline. She says she used "Dynamites" in the larger bag and Delicas in the smaller bag. The two Suzanne Cooper designs are Bear Paw. I love this design and wanted to see how it looked in the different sized beads. On the back sides are two small bear paws done in black.

More of my earrings

I made these earrings for Starline. And she asked that I put them on her site. I did the wolf earrings in 11s and the smaller wolf pair are done with 14s. The pattern of the wolves is from Rocky Mountain Animals by Joleen Wambolt. I made the eagle pair and they are a variation on a pattern by Veon Creations. The feather earrings are takeoffs of many different feather designs and done in scrumptious, size 13 charlottes which were sent to me by various BeadTalk friends.

If you would like to write Starline about her beautiful beadwork, click here: Starline

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