This is LiL Bit and Boomer. LiL Bit is the Apricot and Boomer is the Party Mix and two completely different personalities. LiL Bit sits and stares at me when she want something and Boomer sit at my feet and makes a little bark if I don't pay any attention to him. When I finally ask him all the things he wants to hear he spins in circles to the right question." We both say please and Miss LiL Bit likes to play Peek-a-boo with her Mommy. We are Mommy's precious little furry loves. Boy we sure have our mommy trained well"!!(Bonita Mitchell's babies)
Lil Bit & Boomer

We are 8 year old Irish Setters, spoiled rotten (although we don't think so)we share our Mum and Dads bed and we think we are pussy cats and sit on their laps.We don't realise just how big and heavy we are. We also like lots of muddy puddles to jump up and down in, but we don't like baths. Mum and Dad really love us a lot and put our care and walks above everything else.(This handsome duo belongs to Chrissy Bristow)
Kate & Anna

Pixie, I finally found a kitty on Fri. She is a little, and I mean tiny Himalayan, and will be a seal point when she grows up. She is so tiny, and a real terror. So funny. We are going to call her Cleo short for Cleopatra. (Cleo owns Connie Welchdes.)(Better pics to come later.)

I am Bradley or Little Boy, AKC Bradley's Paws in Motion and I am the one on the left of the picture and everyone say's that I am spoiled even spoiled by my Sister's.The handsome Schnauzer. I have the cute (handsome) flipped down ears. Hi Pixie, I am Tori, AKC Starline's Runningwind Tornado and I am a 73 LB. Labrador. I just Lab-ador my Mother, Starline. I never get tired of retrieving and I can out swim any one and everything. Hello Pixie. I am AKC Champion Fraulein Tipov or "T" for short. Although I have a friend in S.C. (Glenda Dyar) that calls me "Precious". I think that is much more to my liking. I am the Princess Schnauzer around here and everyone caters to me when Mother is gone. I get angry with her when she doesn't take me with her and I won't speak to her for awhile when she gets back. (Starline has to leave these babies behind when she travels. So, she misses them a lot and carries their picture with her.)
Bradley, Tori and Tipov

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